Mr. Abdelelah Salim BinMahfouz

Mr. Abdelelah Salim BinMahfouz

Chairman of the Board of Trustees

Mr. Saleh Salem BinMahfouz

Mr. Saleh Salem BinMahfouz

Deputy Chairman of the Board of Trustees

Mr. Ahmed Salim BinMahfouz

Mr. Ahmed Salim BinMahfouz

Member of the Board of Trustees

Ms. Gazal Abdelelah BinMahfouz

Ms. Gazal Abdelelah BinMahfouz

Member of the Board of Trustees

Mr. Ahmed Abubakr Bazara

Mr. Ahmed Abubakr Bazara

Member of the Board of Trustees

Dr. Salem Salah Bagaber

Dr. Salem Salah Bagaber

Member of the Board of Trustees

Dr. Abdellah Abdulqader Bin Othman

Dr. Abdellah Abdulqader Bin Othman

Member of the Board of Trustees