Partnership Agreement Signed to Implement Community Awareness Project on the Importance of Vocational Education
Al-Awn Foundation for Development and Qatrat Foundation for Development have signed a partnership agreement to implement a community awareness project on the importance of vocational education in the governorates of Hadramout, Aden, and Marib. This initiative aligns with the foundation’s strategic vision to enhance the perception of technical education in Yemen.
The agreement was signed on behalf of Al-Awn Foundation for Development by its Executive Director, Dr. Abdellah Bin Othman, representing the funding entity. On behalf of Qatrat Foundation for Development, the agreement was signed by its Executive Director, Mr. Aseel Joban, representing the implementing entity.
The project aims to change prevailing societal perceptions of technical and vocational education, highlighting its crucial role in economic development and meeting labor market demands.
Dr. Abdellah Bin Othman emphasized the foundation’s commitment to mobilizing all resources to lay the foundation for a professional economy by strengthening the infrastructure of vocational institutes, training their personnel, and developing their curricula.
The Executive Director also praised the governmental support provided by the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research, Technical Education, and Vocational Training, which has facilitated the foundation’s adoption of a strategic five-year program in its initial phase. This program aims to develop technical education across all governorates of Yemen.